EDITION: Hertford County
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Rules for Posting a Free Classified Ad:

  • Do not post your ad more than once, or under more than one category.

  • Please make sure to post your ad under the appropriate category; eg, do not place a "Want to Buy" ad under "For Sale".

  • Do not repost your ad until the original has expired, or unless you delete your ad. Do not post "sold" ads, or ads about other ads.

  • All ads expire at 11:59pm, 14 days after they are posted *. You can repost an ad beginning at 12:00am the next day.

  • If your ad is no longer needed, or if you need to repost the ad, then simply view your ad , then click the "Delete" button in the upper right corner.

We reserve the right to remove any ads that are in violation of these rules without notice.

* You can delete your ads before they expire by viewing your ad , then clicking the "Delete" button in the upper right corner.

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* Please note that we do NOT think that "joke" classified ads are funny. They only serve to devalue the other listings, which hurts both the website and the other classified users. Jokes are only acceptable in the message boards.

Not only will joke classified ads be removed, but violators may also be suspended from the website.

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